Malaysia LAH

Malaysia LAH 3

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Untuk pilihan raya bebas, adil dan bersih

Untuk pilihan raya bebas, adil dan bersih

Komentar Roketkini
 Keprihatinan Yang di-Pertuan Agong dalam perkembangan politik semasa amat penting bagi memastikan keadilan, keharmonian dan kestabilan negara.
Sebagaimana yang dititahkan oleh Seri Paduka berhubung cadangan perhimpunan aman Bersih 2.0 untuk menuntut pilihan raya bebas, adil dan bersih, ia memberi gambaran pandangan jauh dari kaca mata seorang Ketua Negara.
“Beta sedang mengikuti dengan teliti akan perkembangan cadangan Kumpulan Bersih untuk mengadakan perarakan dan perhimpunan beramai-ramai yang bertujuan untuk menyerahkan memorandum kepada Beta selaku Yang di-Pertuan Agong, dan bagaimana pihak kerajaan menangani isu ini khususnya agensi-agensi dan jabatan-jabatan yang terlibat,” titah Baginda dalam satu kenyataan.
Seri Paduka sedar hasrat hati rakyat yang mahu melihat negara ini mengamalkan pilihan raya yang bebas, adil dan bersih selaras dengan jaminan-jaminan dan peruntukan-peruntukan Perlembagaan Persekutuan.
Bersih 2.0 telah mengemukakan tuntutan:
1. Bersihkan senarai undi
- Senarai undi harus dibersihkan dengan segera untuk menyingkirkan ‘pengundi hantu’ seperti orang yang telah meninggal dunia.
- Pendaftaran pengundi automatik yang diselarikan dengan senarai Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara boleh menyelesaikan masalah pengundi hantu dalam jangka masa panjang.
2. Mereformasikan undi pos
- Semua pengundi seharusnya dibenarkan untuk mengundi melalui undi pos atau mengundi lebih awal sekiranya seseorang individu itu tidak dapat berada di kawasan pengundian semasa hari mengundi.
- Anggota polis dan tentera yang tidak bertugas harus mengundi seperti biasa pada hari mengundi.
- Undi pos mesti dijalankan dengan telus; ejen parti politik harus dibenarkan untuk memantau proses undi pos.
3. Gunakan dakwat kekal
- Penggunaan dakwat kekal boleh mengelakkan seseorang (atau pengundi hantu) daripada mengundi beberapa kali.
4. Masa kempen minimum 21 hari
- Masa yang lebih panjang diperlukan untuk calon menyebarkan maklumat, terutamanya di kawasan luar bandar dan pedalaman. Contohnya, pilihan raya negeri Sarawak baru-baru ini diberi masa kempen 10 hari sahaja.
- Pada 1955, ketika era pemerintahan penjajah, pilihan raya mempunyai masa kempen sepanjang 42 hari manakala semasa Pilihanraya Umum ke-12 pada 2008, masa kempen 8 hari sahaja.
5. Akses media yang bebas dan adil
- RTM dan Bernama adalah agensi media yang dibiayai oleh kerajaan dengan wang rakyat. Mereka sepatutnya memberi liputan yang seimbang dan adil untuk semua parti yang bertanding.
- Parti politik harus dibenarkan untuk membuat pengiklanan tanpa sebarang diskriminasi dan penapisan.
- Semua media perlu memberikan hak untuk semua parti membalas kepada tuduhan-tuduhan negatif terhadap mereka.
6. Kukuhkan institusi awam
- Institusi awam dan kakitangan kerajaan harus tidak berat sebelah dan menegakkan undang-undang dan demokrasi. Institusi awam harus direformasikan supaya bertindak secara bebas, menegakkan undang-undang dan melindungi hak asasi manusia.
  • Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) hendaklah memastikan pilihanraya yang bebas dan adil;
  • Badan Kehakiman harus memelihara kebebasannya dan menegakkan kedaulatan undang-undang tanpa gentar atau memihak;
  • Peguam Negara perlu bertindak secara tidak berat sebelah dan mengutamakan kepentingan rakyat;
  • Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) harus bertindak dengan adil dan menghentikan pendakwaan selektif dan penyalahgunaan kuasa;
  • Polis Diraja Malaysia perlu bertindak secara profesional dalam melaksanakan tugas dan menegakkan kedaulatan undang-undang.
7. Hentikan rasuah
- Rasuah adalah kegiatan mencuri dari rakyat untuk kepentingan peribadi. Rasuah menyebabkan orang kaya bertambah kaya dan golongan miskin semakin miskin. Pembelian undi harus dihentikan. Akta Kesalahan Pilihanraya 1954 mesti dikuatkuasakan secara adil dan saksama.
8. Hentikan politik kotor
- Semua parti politik mesti menghentikan politik kotor.

Siapa timbulkan kekacauan?
Menyedari hal ini, Yang di-Pertuang Agong menyeru semua pihak supaya menyuburkan demokrasi dalam negara dengan memastikan bahawa tuntutan demokrasi itu tidak akan membawa kemusnahan kepada negara.
Sememangnya Baginda sedar bagaimana tunjuk perasaan yang ganas di negara-negara luar telah menimbulkan pelbagai masalah dalam sesebuah negara itu sehingga kestabilan tergugat.
Di Malaysia pula, rakyat mahu mengadakan perhimpunan secara aman, sebaliknya kerajaan Barisan Nasional khususnya UMNO dan lidah rasminya Utusan Malaysia telah menimbulkan pelbagai kekacauan untuk membangkitkan keadaan huru-hara di negara ini.
Dengan menyekat hak dan menangkap rakyat semata-mata kerana memakai t-shirt kuning, tindakan kerajaan BN telah menampakkan betapa bencinya mereka kepada kebebasan dan hak asasi rakyat mengikut lunas-lunas Perlembagaan.
Dengan itu, Seri Paduka telah menyeru kepada pihak kerajaan agar melaksanakan segala amanah yang diberikan kepada rakyat secara adil dan bijaksana.
“Yang pentingnya Beta selaku Yang di-Pertuan Agong tidak mahu melihat dalam negara bermasyarakat majmuk ini berada di dalam keadaan bermusuhan sesama sendiri atau pun sebahagian rakyatnya bermusuh dengan kerajaan atas apa jua alasan pun,” titah Baginda.
Seri Paduka mengemukakan jalan keluar kepada permasalahan yang ditumbulkan oleh kerajaan BN, iaitu dengan pihak kerajaan mengadakan rundingan bersama penganjur-penganjur Bersih 2.0.
Najib perlu hentikan tindakan zalim
Sehubungan dengan itu, Datuk Seri Najib perlu menghentikan tindakan-tindakan ganas dan tidak bertamadun yang telah memburukkan imej negara di mata dunia kerana telah membiarkan demonstrasi liar anti-Bersih yang diadakan oleh penyokong-penyokong UMNO dan Perkasa, serta tangkapan-tangkapan terhadap sesiapa yang memakai baju kuning.
“Hakikatnya, demonstrasi jalanan banyak membawa keburukan daripada kebaikan walaupun niat asalnya baik,” titah Yang di-Pertuan Agong.
Memang demonstrasi jalanan yang ganas seperti yang dilakukan oleh penyokong UMNO dan Perkasa di Pulau Pinang pada Jumaat lalu mebawa keburukan.
Apa yang Bersih 2.0 mahu adalah perhimpunan secara aman, selaras dengan semangat Allahyarham Dato’ Onn menganjurkan perhimpunan aman menentang Malayan Union kira-kira 65 tahun lalu.
“Sebaliknya, kita harus menumpukan kepada matlamat utama memajukan negara, bukannya mencipta masalah yang membuat negara berada terkebelakang. Ingatlah bumi mana yang tidak ditimpa hujan, lautan mana yang tidak bergelora.
“Itulah pentingnya sifat kesederhanan dan tolak ansur yang telah begitu lama diamalkan oleh warisan pentadbiran negara,” titah Seri Paduka lagi.
Sememangnya rakyat prihatin akur dengan titah Agong dan mahu menyelesaikan masalah melalui rundingan.
Tetapi selama ini perbincangan, sama ada dengan SPR atau mana-mana pihak kerajaan, untuk mengadakan pilihan raya bebas, adil dan bersih seperti “mencurah air di daun keladi”.
Isu yang berbangkit hari ini bukan sekadar perhimpunan Bersih 2.0 yang dijadualkan pada 9 Julai ini. Perhimpunan aman itu hanya bertujuan menyampaikan niat dan hasrat rakyat.
Niat dan hasrat itu ialah supaya kerajaan yang dipilih oleh rakyat menghormati pandangan rakyat yang mahu amalan pilihan raya di Malaysia diadakan secara bebas, adil dan bersih. Ia boleh bermula dalam pilihan raya umum ke-13 yang akan datang.

Hak berhimpun secara aman dijamin Perlembagaan
Rundingan tidak pula bererti menggadaikan hak-hak semua pihak yang termaktub dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Perhimpunan aman Bersih 2.0 masih boleh diadakan selagi ia mematuhi peraturan-peraturan yang ditetapkan oleh Perlembagaan.
Najib sendiri telah menjayakan Perhimpunan Sejuta Belia di Putrajaya baru-baru ini yang dihadiri oleh beberapa puluh ribu rakyat dalam keadaan aman tanpa sebarang kejadian tidak diingini.
Pihak berkuasa tidak boleh sewenang-wenangnya terlebih menggunakan kuasa kerana pangkat dan kuasa mereka adalah amanah rakyat.Yang penting, perhimpunan aman mesti kekal sebagai perhimpunan aman.
Jika rundingan dapat memastikan pilihan raya akan datang dilaksanakan secara bebas, adil dan saksama, maka ia adalah harapan semua rakyat prihatin.
Kerajaan BN yang ditunjangi UMNO perlu akur dengan titah Agong supaya tidak “mencipta masalah yang membuat negara berada terkebelakang” sebaliknya berbuat kebaikan untuk memastikan harapan Najib untuk “mendahulukan rakyat, mengutamakan pencapaian” berjaya.
Dengan menangkap rakyat yang tidak bersalah dan mengugut serta mengancam rakyat yang mahu kepada piliahn raya yang adil dan bersih tidak akan menyelesaikan sebarang masalah.
Akur lah dengan titah Yang di-Pertuan Agong; bebaskan mereka yang telah ditahan dan gugurkan tuduhan-tuduhan terhadap mereka.
Runding lah dengan cara yang terhormat dan bertamadun. Cari jalan untuk tunaikan lapan tuntutan Bersih 2.0 yang bakal menjamin kebersihan, keadilan dan kesaksamaan dalam proses pilihan raya di Malaysia.


The latest national economic indicators may have a deeper impact on Malaysia besides the obvious economic loss felt especially the billions of ringgit wiped out from Bursa Kuala Lumpur in the past one week.
In particular, the downgrading of economic growth forecast recently announced by local research houses and analysts may spell an early doom to the grand economic master plan and targets unveiled by Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak’s administration through the Economic Transformation Programmes (ETP), the 10th Malaysian Plan and the New Economic Model.
If Malaysia’s economic growth continues to slide as expected, the ETP would have failed even before it takes off because the ambitious plan requires a steady 6% growth annually to reach the GNI per capita target of USD15,000 (or RM48,000) by 2020. A less than 5% growth for 2011 means ETP has failed to excite the market at the time when the full government focus, resources and machineries were directed to promote it; let alone when all the euphoria wears off 2-3 years down the line.
The impact of the economic uncertainties in the USA and Euro-zone countries may add severity to the Malaysian economic prospect; especially when the debt crisis in Euro-zone will begin to pull the third (Italy), second (France) and largest (Germany) economies in Europe into the economic mess. Should the current trend in the Euro-zone continue, there is a possibility that there will be further downgrades of economic growth in the near future.
Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak’s administration has also failed to meet its own private investment growth target that is a centre-piece of his strategy to rejuvenate growth in Malaysia. PEMANDU/ETP has boldly claimed that 92% of the hundreds of billions worth of investments will be funded by the private sector to reverse a decade’s worth of dependent on pump priming using public coffers.
Unfortunately, the source of funding of flagship ETP projects is still shrouded in mystery. Of the top 10 ETP projects announced (or expected to take off) in between October 2010 and June 2011, 77% of these projects will be carried out by GLCs.
The following analysis of the top 10 ETP projects will heighten the sense of economic dejavu as essentially the present administration still employs the same approach of pump priming using public money – though it is now being channelled through the GLCs:
Refinery and Petrochemicals Integrated Development (RAPID)
MRT (investment without rolling stocks and land acquisition)
(special purpose vehicle set up)
Oil and gas development at Tapis field (enhanced oil recovery) and Teluk field development (due to start in 2013)
(PETRONAS & ExxonMobil, reinvestment of profits from hydrocarbon resources)
Development of Karambunai Integrated Resort City
Small Retailer Transformation Program (TUKAR) to modernise sundry shops
Shell Malaysia’s expansion program (upgrade of refinery/new builts including Shell Middle Distillates, Port Dickson complex and Gumusut deepwater development)

(PETRONAS & Shell, reinvestment of profits from hydrocarbon resources)
Development of deepwater petroleum terminal in Johor
Dialog Group
(private group with large shareholding by GLICs)
3 new power plants, 2 hydro power plants, 1 coal plant and investment in transmission infrastructure
Development of Tanjong Agas Oil & Agas and Logistic Industrial Park in Pekan, Pahang
(under East Coast Economic Region)
Development of MINES Wellness City
The total investments announced for the top 10 ETP projects are RM142 billion that makes 82% of the total ETP projects announced so far (total investments of RM173 billion).  The fact that 77% of the top 10 ETP projects will be carried out by GLCs or firms with large GLIC shareholdings is a proof that the 92% private investment target set out in ETP is nothing more than a public relations number with no indication that it will ever be achieved.
The 3 national economic indicators – the turmoil at Bursa Kuala Lumpur, the growth forecast that looks dimmer as we move closer to the end of the year and the failure of ETP flagship projects to hit the private investment target set out by Dato’ Seri Najib – point to a meltdown of his administration’s economic policies and initiatives.
Malaysia’s economic predicament is the complete opposite of the tremendous growth enjoyed by Indonesia. Indonesian economy continues to register a 6.5% growth in the last quarter and expected to grow further at 7% next year. While Malaysia’s inflation hit a two-year high in the last quarter, Indonesia’s inflation recorded a 14-month low for the same period. Stagnated wages that grow only at a snail pace of 2.6% over the last decade for Malaysian workforce is contrasted by the double digit annual rise in wages in Indonesia since 2006.
Clearly there is a fundamental difference between Malaysian and Indonesian economies that leads to this divergence.
While Indonesia embraced political, economic and social reforms since 1998, the Barisan Nasional government balked at any attempt to spearhead political and social reforms at the detriment of the economy. Therefore, it is a matter of time before the rakyat subscribes to Pakatan Rakyat’s principle that there cannot be an economic reform without a commitment for political reforms.
10 AUGUST 2011 

Monday, 14 May 2012

Food for Thought by Zaid Ibrahim

 Food for Thought by Zaid Ibrahim

Zaid Ibrahim

In 1962, after 15 years of independence, Burma became a reclusive military
state under general Ne Win. Once the economic powerhouse of the region, it
then became a pariah state. The reasons given for the military takeover
were plenty but useful to recollect.

The experiment to form the union of several states to secure independence
was believed to be a “mistake”. The union of many different ethnic
groups were seen as a sellout and detrimental to the largest ethnic
group, the Burmans who comprised 60 per cent of the population. The economy
was under the tight grip of ethnic Indians and they were blamed for  the
lack of business opportunities for the Burmans.

Democracy was seen as a foreign instrument to weaken and disenfranchise the
people. 50 years later, after the loss of thousands of lives involved in
the civil strife, Myanmar –as it is now known – is trying slowly to
return from  poverty and world isolation by embracing real reforms. It
has taken them 50 years to realise that they have to be part of the
world community, or both the oppressor and the oppressed  will perish.

Malaysia is the next Burma. Umno believes that a non-Umno party ruling the
country would be a betrayal to the motherland. So all things
are permissible and morally justified to ensure Umno’s continued rule.
If by some miracle,  BN/UMNO fails to win despite new voters being added to
the roll, then an emergency will be declared and a civilian dictatorship
backed by  the military will take over.

Democracy will not survive in this country, regardless of the outcome of
the election.The general election will never be fair. Bribery is
now institutionalised. Media will continue to be owned by the ruling
party to parrot lies on the opposition. The Election Commission will not
be allowed to do its job properly and because the government can
always confer citizenship to whoever they want and thus the right to
vote; it’s impossible for the Opposition to win an election. There
are millions of Indonesians and Bangladeshis waiting in the queue. For
this reason, it’s difficult to understand why the Pakatan States could not
speak with one voice that they will not dissolve their
respective Assemblies unless they are satisfied with the electoral rolls.

The signs are all there. When Perkasa declared last week that Malaysia will
become a republic if the Opposition wins, none of the country’s top leaders
made any comment, let alone take any action to distance themselves from
this seditious remark. The way in which Utusan is being used to potray the
opposition as anti-monarchy is an indication that if the Opposition wins,
the UMNO machinery will go into high gear to call for a military takeover
to save the country, the King and the Malays.

The mad rush in Parliament to pass laws (of which Parliamentarians have had
no time to read) will give BN the appearance of a reformist and democratic
government, but they will disown democracy if they lose the election.

Are these ramblings of mine unjustified and misconceived? Only an explicit
statement from the PM that the electoral roll will be cleaned before the
general election; and from the Armed Forces Chiefs that they will  respect
the decision of the people in the next general election will do for me and
many Malaysians. They must expressly declare their support for the new
leader regardless of who that might  be. Only such statement will placate
the fears expressed by many  people about our country’s future. Will such
statement be forthcoming?

No. Definitely not. Unfortunately, that’s exactly my point.

Malaysia PM gives mothers’ praise on Mother’s Day

Malaysia PM gives mothers’ praise on Mother’s Day

| 13 May 2012 
KUALA LUMPUR: Families are out and about on Mother’s Day here in Kuala Lumpur. Getting pampered with massages, eating out and relaxing is for Malaysian mothers a rare change of pace.
“I just got a massage for my gift and my back finally feels like it has new life,” said Mital, a 25-year-old mother of two and housewife.
“It is nice to see we are getting noticed by others this year,” she told in reference to Prime Minister Najib Razak’s public declaration of praise for mothers on Mother’s Day.
He said that all mothers from Generation X and Y have shown their “hard work” in balancing family and careers.
“Mother’s Day this year focuses on the role of young mothers, particularly those who are working. Happy Mother’s Day!” said Najib, who is acting Women, Family and Community Development Minister, on his Facebook account in conjunction with Mother’s Day tomorrow.
In his speech in conjunction with the Mother’s Day recorded in a hotel suite in Johor Baharu after attending a wedding reception on Saturday, he said Generation X and Y comprised young people, “who were fast-moving, good at planning strategies and skilful in using modern technologies.”
Razak said they were a very important part of the society as they were the ones who would take the country towards Vision 2020.
“I hope the role of mothers, who represent Generation X and Y, are to balance the demands of career and family to enable them not only to pursue their own career but also to succeed as mother.
“Lastly, I would like to once again wish a Happy Mother’s Day. Let us hope, with the commitment of all mothers, Malaysia will grow stronger and become more successful. Happy Mother’s Day 2012,” he said.
Meanwhile, the prime minister’s wife, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, in her speech, hoped mothers would look after their children well and shower them with love to spur them to become useful and courteous citizens, and persons of high integrity when they grow up.
“To children, I would like to remind you to love your mother. Never forget their good deeds. Never put them in misery and hurt their feelings.
“Remember, the heaven is under your mother’s feet,” he said.
For the many Malaysian mothers on Sunday, it is a day of relaxation and recognition for their efforts the past year.
“I think this is a great holiday and it brings families together,” added Mital.

June 3 proposed for general election, reports BloombergJune 3 proposed for general election, reports Bloomberg

June 3 proposed for general election, reports Bloomberg

March 16, 2012
KUALA LUMPUR, March 16 — The Najib administration may dissolve Parliament in May for a general election that could likely be held on June 3, Bloomberg reported today, citing three unnamed government officials.
According to the international business wire, the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) government is discussing dissolving Parliament for a general election in May or June, ahead of its mandate expiring in April next year.

“Prime Minister (Datuk Seri) Najib Razak (picture) is scheduled to speak on March 26 to as many as 4,000 Information Ministry staff who help oversee elections, the government officials said. One date proposed for the contest is June 3, according to three of the officials,” it reported.
There is a one-week school break from June 3 which could have led to speculation of a likely general election as school buildings are usually used as polling stations across the country.
Najib had already sparked speculation of an early vote when he said in December that preparations had begun for the contest to extend the ruling coalition’s 55 years in power.
A survey conducted by independent pollsters Merdeka Center last month showed the Umno president’s approval rating had surged by 10 percentage points to 69 per cent on the back of RM500 cash handouts to all households earning below RM3,000 a month.
“All signs seem to be pointing towards an election at the end of May or early June,” Bloomberg quoted Ong Kian Ming, a political analyst at UCSI University in Kuala Lumpur, as saying.
“It’s the best timing for Najib. If he does wait longer there may be other scandals that emerge and the goodwill that he’s enjoying from the budget handouts given out earlier this year may be lost,” Ong added.
Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil announced last week she will step down as women, family and community development minister when her senatorship ends next month after being dogged for over four months by allegations she and her family abused a RM250 million federal loan earmarked for a cattle-farming scheme.
It is understood that Najib and Shahrizat will address some 7,000 Wanita Umno members at the party headquarters here next Friday on the reasons behind her resignation from the Cabinet.
BN will hope that the scandal will draw to a close after the Wanita Umno chief’s husband, who is chairman of the National Feedlot Corporation tasked with running the project, was also charged with criminal breach of trust on Monday.
Najib will lead BN into polls for the first time, with observers saying he must improve on the coalition’s last outing and only a return to a two-thirds majority of Parliament can guarantee he remains in power.
The son of former Prime Minister Tun Abdul Razak succeeded Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi in April 2009, just a year after BN suffered its worst electoral outcome ever, ceding 82 federal seats and four state governments.
Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, who was acquitted in January of sodomy charges he claims were politically motivated, has pledged to “clamour for reform” in a bid to unseat Najib after the verdict.

Najib is wrong: The Opposition is not all about Anwar

Najib is wrong: The Opposition is not all about Anwar

Written by  Moaz Nair, Malaysia Chronicle

Najib Razak, the prime minister, fallaciously thinks that the Opposition in the country is all about Anwar Ibrahim. So as the election fervour is making its grip among politicians on both divides there is a surly group purportedly with Najib’s blessings and with the obvious help of the mainstream media adopting character assassination as a political offense on Anwar.Indulging in gutter politics must be a bad diktat on Najib’s part. He does not seem to have the political will to stop this garbage politics. The people have had enough of this mucky approach to politics. Najib is fast digging his own grave. He is also dragging UMNO into the bog faster than anyone could think of.Najib is still oblivious of the fact that the people have opportunely accepted a two-party system for the country. They feel that with such a system there can be an apposite check-and-balance of a government for the betterment of the nation. Anwar is thus not the real issue here, as what the people are demanding is a sustainable two-party system for a better deal from politicians.

Many capable leaders blossoming in the Opposition

It is no more Anwar that will determine the fate of the Opposition as how Najib will determine the fate of UMNO. The people are now wary looking into the performance of the nation on the whole – comparing this with the sterling performance of the four states under the Opposition. The outcome of this observation will see which party can take control of the nation after the 13th general election – with or without Anwar.It is a known fact that there are many capable young leaders blossoming in the Opposition who can at any time replace Anwar as the leader. But Anwar on his part has done one great service as a politician to the nation and that is, he has helped unify the Opposition into a cohesive force against Barisan Nasional (BN). This is his bequest for all Malaysians to treasure, though this political scenario may not be in UMNO’s favour.To UMNO, it must always be UMNO-led BN – the one and only coalition – to govern this nation. But UMNO-led BN has literarily failed the nation after 54 years of holding on to power. It has observably bred arrogance among the leaders. The perception is that widespread corruptions, abuse of power and mistrustful financial mismanagement have put the country in severe debt. The country if allowed to proceed in this manner will soon be on the brink of bankruptcy. This is self-made by UMNO and it is not the issue of Anwar here that UMNO is sinking.Anwar is now 64 years old and under him in PKR are many talented leaders who can take over his place if he decides to retire from active politics. Anwar has for long unassumingly groomed a few potential personalities for this job within the Opposition pact, unlike what Najib has done within UMNO.

Najib -  Is all for himself

Unlike Anwar, Najib as a politician is all for himself. He has little confidence in his deputy, Muhyuddin Yassin, who he sees as an immediate threat to him if he fails to garner enough support for UMNO in the 13th general election. Neither has he much confidence in any other stalwarts in UMNO as he considers them all as threats to his position as well. He is all alone fighting a battle within his party and against the Opposition. Daim aptly described Najib as “a general without an army.”Ambitious Khairy Jamaluddin has been put in cold-storage right after Najib took over as prime minister for fear that this young leader will mount a “coup” to topple him. Neither is Mukhriz Mahathir or Hishamuddin Hussein his trusted and reliable allies. Many political observers believe that Rosmah Mansor, Najib’s rib, is playing a subtle role in ensuring that Najib remains the prime minister.But then Najib is a man all for himself – trying tremendously hard to build up himself as a political icon. He spent the past three years more on enhancing his image rather than building the nation. He has the proclivity to only hear pleasant things from those around him, play safe in politics and astutely keep away from controversial issues. On the ground the people perceive him as a leader with a lot of skeletons in the closet and unfortunately these images do keep haunting him. And this too has nothing to do with Anwar.An UMNO member has this say about Najib: “Never in the history of UMNO has so controversial a figure become its leader. And this has no doubt become a flavoursome fodder for the Opposition.” Najib play-safe approach to politics is much to the detriment of UMNO. He does not even have the political guts to ask Sharizat Jalil quit her post as Wanita Chief, or her ministerial post with immediate effect since the RM250million NFCorp scandal cropped up. The complaints against most of the misdemeanours in his government have been swept under the carpet. Denial syndrome has become the trademark of his way of governance. Beyond that, Najib is well-known for his flip-flop economic policies and this has made the people lose confidence in him as a leader. Some UMNO members would still prefer the Mahathir-style of leadership where firmness in decisions was the order. The general perception is also that Najib has failed to mend up the image of the police, judiciary and the MACC. This too has nothing to do with Anwar.

Evasive to the many complaints

The people perceive UMNO under Najib is tainted with widespread corruption and cronyism. There is lack of transparency in his economic plans despite his promise to the people that the government will be more accountable in all financial dealings. The EPF (Employment Provident Fund) has been reduced to a mere 40% as a chunk of it has been taken by the government to give out as loans to cronies with trifling amount in interests. As to whom the money was lent to, nobody knows all. And many contracts given out under negotiated tenders have failed and the companies bailed out. And nobody understands all why this process should continue.Najib’s denial and defensive ways of getting out of criticism has become his trademark. He has been evasive to the many complaints levelled against him on his failed economic policies, the many shady issues relating to the procurement of defence equipment, huge commissions paid out for these transactions, the Altantuya’s murder case, the AG’s and police misdemeanours, his cronies becoming richer, he and his rib’s expensive lifestyle, financial leakages in government expenses, wastage of public funds, poor health service that is going to be revamped soon with a crony-based ICare Health Scheme, deteriorating standard of education, the poor becoming poorer and worst of all racial politics and the lack of religious tolerance – all of which have made him being perceived as a weak prime minister. The Opposition is thus gaining so much strength for all these reasons – not duly to Anwar’s charisma as a leader per se.

They will spin to Najib’s tune

UMNO under Najib’s leadership has become very weak – the weakest since Mahathir officially left the scene. UMNO is now being perceived as a party more for the elite. It’s branded as a party where leaders drive expensive cars, own high-end properties locally and overseas, have an expensive taste in life and are big-time spenders, are corrupt and arrogant. They hear ministers and their families becoming filthy rich within a short period of time after holding top political posts when the ordinary people are becoming poorer.They hear arrogant ministers and their children getting involved in shady social activities and scuffles. Apparently, UMNO has lost support from those who are aware of all these misdeeds by their leaders and family members. Only some rural voters are still unaware of all this. So, losing the support of the urban and learned voters Najib’s only resources now is to go round duping the rural voters. Only in this arena could he mischievously side track the truth and play the usual game of race and religion to win the support of the Malays.And for this to materialise effectively the mainstream media (MSM) is used all-out to cover up issues detrimental to UMNO and keep on lying to the masses. MSM will spin to Najib’s tune to mislead the innocent rural population into believing all the blatant lies on Anwar and the Opposition. And with that comes some short-term rewards for these people such as the BR1M (Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia) RM500 “bribe” to make them feel good about the government. And with this too comes all the promises that can never be fulfilled after the general election – for not only the poor Malays but also the poor Indians and Chinese.The majority Malays are becoming poorer by the day as nothing much has reached them under the NEP. The poor among them even have to take a big PTPTN loan for their education when children of ministers and their cronies have the means or are given scholarships to further their studies overseas. When the ordinary Malaysians are forced to study locally, children of these wealthy and well-connected people could afford overseas’ education. The Chinese and Indians too are pissed off with all the basic but empty promises given to them sby UMNO for the past 54 years. The Chinese gets the least from the government. They have to stand on their own feet to survive and fortunately they have the resilience to do this. Thus those disappointed with Najib and UMNO-led BN are picking on the Opposition. Why blame Anwar then for all the misdeeds created by Najib and UMNO?

The recent “nambikei-tembikai” issue

And to survive education is important to the Chinese community as they do not want their children to be deprived of good education wherein positive traits are being nurtured in their children. To the Chinese, education is always a wise investment. This is not to promote language bigotry of any sort but to instil in the young some good values in life in order to survive and become more resilient. Over 60,000 Malay pupils are also studying in Chinese schools for this same purpose. But the government cannot even provide Chinese schools adequate trained teachers in Mandarin when religious vernacular schools are being fully helped.The Indians are of course the most pathetic group and are marginalised in many ways. The recent “nambikei-tembikai” issue raised by Hindraf is yet another witty reminder to Najib that the Indians can only hope for nothing under his leadership. Over 60% of the Indians are still poor and are now aware of all the empty promises made by UMNO for the past 54 years. And, unsurprisingly, they are opting for an alternative government to change their fate.For all the dissatisfaction, Malaysians of all races are looking for a better political deal and thus the advent of a two-party system. They cannot depend on a single party – BN– to determine their future. Today we observe that the Opposition has managed to garner support of over half of the Malaysian voters.Credit should be given to Anwar, no doubt, for making the people aware of all the shortcomings under UMNO-led BN and for his effort in creating a strong Opposition. But the Opposition that exists today has grown much stronger and formidable than Anwar. Even without Anwar, the Opposition will remain as a robust entity in Malaysian politics. The reality of having a two-party system has now become imbued in the people’s psyche all because of UMNO’s failure for the past 54 years and not just because of Anwar factor.Not all UMNO members are with Najib, though. Many UMNO members are dejected by what is going on under Najib’s leadership. But being very feudal-minded they would naturally put up a stance that they support the party. The 2008 general election saw almost half of UMNO members vote for the Opposition. This is how real Malays show their protest against an entity they hate.

“Backdoor” ministers and senators

They are also not happy that Najib has appointed too many “backdoor” ministers by first making them senators. “Najib must be the only prime minister in Malaysian history to have done so at the chagrin of many UMNO members. Those MPs who have been working hard to please the voters feel that they are left out,” quipped an UMNO MP. But the straw that broke the camel’s back was none other than the appointments of Ezam Mohd Nor and Solaimalai Nallakaruppan as senators – the two political opportunists. This has irked many UMNO members. The taxpayers too are questioning the rationale for their appointments as senators. “Are they appointed to serve the nation, UMNO or Najib?” asked an UMNO member. Naturally, the Opposition members are equally peeved about these appointments.This move, according to critics, is obviously Najib’s ploy to use these two political clowns for his own political survival by making them go for personal attacks on Anwar. Little does Najib realise that he himself has many skeletons in the closet. To most UMNO members the two political misfits appointed as senators have not contributed anything worthwhile for the development of the nation. Another UMNO lawmaker has this say: “This is crazy. What have they done for UMNO or the nation to deserve these appointments? There are many others who deserve more to become senators but are left out. We know…this is for Najib’s survival.”Another former UMNO Branch leader noted, “This is how Najib’s administration wastes public funds for his personal benefits. These two jokers were scooped by Najib from the mire to help him build his sinking image.”Anyway, these disgraceful toadies are now with their newfound masters. These were the same people who were “married” to Anwar in politics at one time. It was a happy “marriage” then. They would be seen on stage together giving fiery speeches condemning Mahathir, Najib and UMNO. One of them even claimed that he had “boxes of evidence” against UMNO on corruption. But until today the people have not seen those secret boxes. The other guy was singing praises for Anwar all the way until when he could not contest a state seat in Selangor against a BN candidate and was later advised not to contest a vice president’s post in PKR. He became sullenly aloof and left the party. Can the people then trust these hopping politicians?

Disaffected and traitorous turncoats

They are real ingrates who have lost grassroots support. But these disaffected and traitorous turncoats had no shame to crawl to the very party and leader they used to condemn at one time without shame to become relevant in politics. But to their newfound master, Najib, this is a real chance for him to turn them into lapdogs by exploiting them to the ceiling for his own benefits. Anyway, soon these political scraps will be thrown out after the master has achieved what he wants in politics. But it looks like their mission to attack Anwar is backfiring. Nobody wants to listen to them.These infamous two lackeys are deliberately being made use of to smear Anwar thinking that the Opposition is all about Anwar. It will be an ineffective trade as the maverick Opposition leader is already immune to this kind of politics. He knows that the Opposition will stay as a strong entity even without him around. Even UMNO members are aware that despite all the smearing tactics purportedly used by Najib with the zealous help of unsellable Utusan Malaysia and unwatchable TV3 the Opposition is getting stronger by the day. In the 2008 general election, the Opposition won 51% of the popular votes and Barisan only 49%. According to political observers, with the present political and economic scenario the Opposition can garner more votes in the 13th general election that what they secured in the last general election.In one of the recent local university survey only less than 6% of the people believe in all the wild accusations and personal attacks against Anwar. In other words, MSM is doing an unjust duty for political reasons to please their masters – Najib and UMNO. Thus all the political tricks supposedly adopted by Najib have thus far failed and in fact it has readily backfired. The more Anwar is smeared the more the support is for Anwar and this trickles down to the Opposition. As mentioned, the Opposition of today is bigger than Anwar. UMNO is still ignorant of this phenomenon. The people are for the Opposition, with or without Anwar. It is just like those who support UMNO – they are for UMNO, with or without Najib.A former UMNO leader in Kedah said, “Najib can go and get as many people as he wants to do personal attacks on Anwar. But the Opposition is not all about Anwar. Just like UMNO is not all about Najib. Najib has to accept the fact that the Opposition has grown to become a formidable entity – with or without Anwar. ”

Opposition will remain strong

The people have had enough of “sex recipes” in politics. These recipes are not turning into food on the table. Prices of food is skyrocketing, corruption is on the rise, the rich are becoming richer, the poor among all races are anguished, the elite group have their children educated overseas, education in local public universities is not free, toll has not been abolished, savings are getting a negligible amount of interest and prices of commodities are spiralling. The people hence are not interested in all these irrelevant “sex stories” to bring down Anwar.The people are keener to have a system that is void of corruption, racial politics and abuse of power. Little do these two minions supported by a few other frustrated sycophants realise that the Opposition is now much bigger than Anwar – with or without Anwar the Opposition will remain as a credible party. They can go on attacking Anwar and this will help the Opposition become stronger.They were ambitious and their greed for power and positions in the party had made them disappointed. It was this inconsolable disillusionment that made them jump ship. And now they, together with a few other despicable and contemptuous politicians who cast-off friendship, have left their former party to become Najib’s flunkies. This includes a political “loose cannon” who was Anwar’s secret admirer at one time and admitted that she was sleeping with Anwar’s photo under her pillow. Fortunately, Anwar did not take her as his second wife. Ironically, these brownnosers are not questioning all the morally loose characters in UMNO.By the way, Najib's or Anwar's “sexual prowess” – if there is any worth in it – will not determine the people’s economic and family's future. The people are absolutely sure that Anwar was never a corrupt leader nor was he in any way a principal player in any murder or rape case in the country. The people realise that it is corruption, cronyism and incompetence in governance that will destroy the nation and for these reasons they are seeking justice and a government that is more competent, accountable and transparent – not sex anecdotes to lull the people into a world of fantasy.

The winds of change
As the winds of change gather strength the people are looking for an alternative government. Anwar may have paved the way for a strong Opposition. But today the Opposition can survive even without Anwar around – just like UMNO that is anytime bigger than Najib. Anwar has cohesively cemented the three political parties PKR, PAS and DAP into a strong political body – transforming them into an viable alternative to BN. Any personal attack on Anwar is not going to pull to pieces the Opposition.Nevertheless, both the Opposition and BN are not perfect. But the people would want to be better served when there is real competition between political parties. They have sought a two-party system and now that this has become a reality in the country, Anwar will soon become secondary to the whole scenario. He can opt to lead the Opposition or just pass the baton of leadership to any of his competent army.As for Najib it is still nightmarish and distressful. Not only the Opposition are against him but many within UMNO want to see his downfall. The 13th general election is going to be an uphill task for Najib and UMNO.Malaysia Chronicle  MALAYSIANS ALL OUT FOR TWO PARTY SYSTEM