Malaysia LAH

Malaysia LAH 3

Friday 1 June 2012

Confidence in Sarawak

Confidence in Sarawak
The State Government spoke highly of SCORE and almost everybody in Barisan Nasional spoke about that. It looks as if the success or failure of Sarawak lays entirely on SCORE.
But the people are leaving Sarawak. Why? The answer is simple. Jobs are scarce in Sarawak. There is poverty in all races, especially among the natives. Corruption prevails in Sarawak. The rich had become richer, and the poor had become poorer.
In November 2011, I said in this House, “Close to 100,000 natives and anak anak Sarawak left Sarawak because they lost faith in Sarawak, as they seek employment in Singapore, Johore and Klang Valley. If development distribution is equitable, the children of Sarawak will not have to leave their homeland. Many Sarawakians who have better brains also lose faith in the State. They have left to find greener pastures elsewhere.”
In his winding up speech, the Right Hounourable Chief Minister disagreed with my figure. He indicated that I should prove this statistics. Here I am, I am now going to prove it. Tuan Speaker, I am now going to prove it with the figures supplied to Members of Parliament in the answer on 16th March, 2011.
In 1970, Sarawak had a population of 976,269. That represents 9.35% of the nation’s population of 10,439,430. In 1980, 10 years later, Sarawak’s population was 1.2 million. That represents 9.16% of the nation’s population of 13.1 million. In 1991 Sarawak population was 1.6 million, representing 9.09% of the total population of 17.6 million. In 2000, Sarawak’s population of 2,012,616 was only 9.06% of the nation’s total of 22,202,614. In 2010, Sarawak has a population of 2,420,009. That represents a mere 8.78% of the nation’s total of 27,565,821.
The important question we must ask is this, why has the percentage of population growth in Sarawak reducing, decreasing all the time when the national population growth is increased. The answer is simple, have we maintained 1970 figure, 9.35% and then by the year 2010, Sarawak should have a population of 2,577,404. There is a difference of 157,395 people. Where are they? They have sought a greener pasture outside Sarawak.
I was being conservative when I said that “close to 100,000” “Dayaks and anak anak Sarawak” have left a greener pasture outside Sarawak.

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