Malaysia LAH

Malaysia LAH 3

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Awakened by an arrogant and biased Election Commission

Awakened by an arrogant and biased Election Commission

April 28, 2012
FMT LETTER: Steven Choong, via e-mail
As I write this I’m aware that tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands are journeying into KL to make the great event in the Malaysian history, the Bersih 3 Sit-and-Protes against an unclean election process,  a success today.
My heart is with all of my fellow citizens who will be at Dataran Merdeka. I wish I could be there too but I’m staying back because I have to give my moral support to the Bersih 3 JB Steering Committee in Johor Bahru.
The Steering Committee consists of people who have no prior experience of organising a rally. Yet they set out with an ambition to see a 10,000 crowd because they long to see changes in Johor.
Johoreans missed the thrill of 308 and they would not want the thrill to escape again in the coming 13th GE. However, they know they may miss it yet again unless they do something. They know enough now that the electoral roll is not clean and the election process is open for manipulation via the postal voting processes as well as a biased Election Commission.
The exposure that the EC chairman, Abdul Aziz and his deputy, Wan Ahmad, are both Umno members are just something too much to swallow.
These two persons do not even know that they are holding a position that demands the highest level of integrity and independence as the future of the country is entirely vested in their hands to ensure that the government is what the Rakyat has chosen.
They should have immediately tendered their resignation upon the exposure by PKR. But to the dismay of everyone they just casually brushed off the matter as something insignificance. What has this country becomes under BN? We have people who walk in the corridors of power and yet do not seem to know what is ethical or unethical.
It is clear the BN government is rotten to the core and all other supposed commissions are too being manned by people who are closely affiliated to Umno.  Hence, these are the main reasons that gave the Steering Committee the courage to push to the limits that they know.
The Steering Committee and many volunteers had been working very hard over the last two weeks to ensure a big turn-out today in JB. They dare to dream dreams and I’m deeply touched and appreciative of all they have done.
I hope it will be a success and the police and the MBJB will co-operate. But then come what may, this is our land and future.  If we do not engage now to demand for a fair and clean election, our dreams will remain dreams and the future will be bleak for all except those who walk the corridors of power.
I hope too, it will be a great success in KL and all other cities as we really need to take back the right to determine the future of this country together.
The writer is national deputy sec-gen of PKR

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Anak Dedah Penipuan Ibu Menyamar Sebagai Bomoh & Tipu Wang Orang Ramai

Anak Dedah Penipuan Ibu Menyamar Sebagai Bomoh & Tipu Wang Orang Ramai

KUALA LUMPUR: Seorang wanita bukan saja memperdaya lima mangsa sehingga mengakibatkan kerugian ribuan ringgit tetapi sanggup menipu anak perempuan dan suaminya juga.
Tidak tahan dengan penipuan ibunya itu telah mendorong anak perempuannya yang kini berusia 19 tahun tampil ke hadapan membuat pendedahan akan kegiatan penipuan ibunya yang menyamar sebagai seorang bomoh.
"Terdapat ramai mangsa yang berang datang ke rumah mencari ibu saya. Mereka turut merosakkan barang-barang kami. Saya bimbang jika adik-adik saya diserang oleh orang yang tidak dikenali pada masa hadapan," katanya kepada pemberita pada sidang media yang diatur oleh Biro Pengaduan dan Perkhidmatan Awam MCA di Wisma MCA, Selasa.
Dia adalah antara tujuh mangsa yang menanggung kerugian wang tunai dan barang kemas bernilai hampir RM30,000 selepas diperdaya ibunya yang mendakwa boleh menghapuskan ilmu hitam.
"Hubungan saya dan ibu kini menjadi tegang dan rengang selepas suami saya enggan menjadi penjamin apabila ibu mahu membuat pinjaman sebanyak RM50,000.
"Dia mula mengugut kami dan cuba mencetuskan salah faham di antara saya dan suami. Dia juga menipu adik ipar saya sebanyak RM5,000. Kami berharap agar tiada lagi mangsa yang terpedaya selepas ini," katanya.
Seorang lagi mangsa, iaitu suami kepada bomoh tersebut berkata, dia telah menfailkan penceraian selepas menyedari siapa isterinya yang sebenar.
"Kami sudah bersama selama tujuh tahun dan dia telah melarikan pasport saya dan wang tunai sebanyak RM9,000. Saya berharap agar semua mangsa tampil dan mendedahkan kegiatan penipuannya itu," kata sisuami.
Sementara itu seorang lagi mangsa yang berkhidmat sebagai pegawai bank yang kerugian wang RM9,000 berkata, bomoh itu mendekatinya ketika dia mengambil surat di rumah kawannya, tempat di mana wanita itu tinggal.
"Dia menghampiri saya dan menakutkan saya dengan menjangkakan sesuatu yang buruk akan menimpa saya dan keluarga.
"Dia memberitahu saya hanya perlu menyerahkan beberapa barang berharga bagi membolehkan upacara ritual dilakukan. Dia juga mengarahkan saya supaya tidak memberitahu sesiapa mengenai perkara itu," kata pegawai bank yang berusia 31 tahun itu.
Dalam pada itu, Ketua Biro Pengaduan dan Perkhidmatan Awam MCA, Datuk Seri Michael Chong berkata, suspek mungkin menggunakan modus operandi yang sama dengan menyamar sebagai bomoh tetapi masih ramai mangsa yang terpedaya dengan helahnya.
"Ini kerana rakyat di negara ini terlalu percaya kepada benda karut. Tahun lalu, kami mempunyai lima kes yang lebih kurang sama melibatkan kerugian bernilai RM160,000 manakala 12 lagi kes melibatkan RM800,000 pada 2009," katanya kepada para pemberita.

Concern over influx of new voters

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300,000 new voters just in Selangor

Concern over influx of new voters
Writer: Brenda Ch'ng
Published: Fri, 30 Mar 2012
SHAH ALAM: Selangor recorded the highest number of new voters registered between 2008 and the third quarter of 2011, raising concern of electoral fraud in the upcoming general election.
“The normal increase of new voters is usually between 4,000 to 5,000. Howevermost constituencies in Selangor recorded an increase of over 10,000 new voters,” said Seri Andalas assemblyperson Dr Xavier Jayakumar on Tuesday
Subang has 27,765 new voters while its neighbouring parliamentary seat Kelana Jaya recorded a 13,714 increase.
“We’ve our suspicions about the increase. We looked into it and found 100 voters registered under the same house address,” he said.

Subsequently they found 300 other houses with 100 new voters registered for each.
New voters have also been found registered with “Green” MyKads with expiration dates printed on them.
“We’ve seen it used by voters before in Sarawak and we fear it may be used here in the upcoming general election, too,” he said.
Joining him was Meru assembly person Dr Abdul Rani Osman, who urged the Election Commission to investigate these discrepancies.
There are presently 300,000 new registered voters in Selangor.  From the 300,000, 137,000 are Bangladeshi registered in Jalan Belangkas alone, who were recently make citizens of this country and some were newly converted to Muslim not by choice but by force temporary so that they are able to continue working here in Malaysia.
How do I know?  The 137,000 Bangladeshi were all registered with just one 6P Agent in Jalan Belangkas with the help and support direct from Hishamuddin in Putrajaya.
This particular 6P Agent had forced the Bangladeshi to pay him RM4,000 per person to register.  Since most of them are penniless they were forced to sign agreement with this agent to give him the right to all their salaries in return they will get just RM4 per day from the sum.  If the Bangladeshi is above 30 years old the contract is for 12 years.  Anyone below that is 10 years.  So basically the Bangladeshi are now slaves to this 6P Agent.  To further insult the dignity of the Bangladeshi who are non-Muslim are now converted in paper as Muslim.  Reason given is that only Muslim can get a job in Malaysia.  Since this is an open secret, the Bangladeshi have no choice but to accept it with a heavy heart.
Now this particular 6P Agent is going to open a Bangla Restaurant in Jalan Belangkas.
Now if this particular 6P Agent can register 137,000 Bangladeshi in Jalan Belangkas and make them instant citizens just to vote for UMNO in Selangor.  Where do the real Rakyat's vote stand in Selangor?
When Putrajaya first sent the Mykad to this 6P Agent, they missed out the BIN.  Then Putrajaya officers came in their black jeep and took them back.  Two weeks ago they came and gave the new Mykad with the word BIN printed on it.
I am just talking about Bangladeshi in Jalan Belangkas. What about the other aliens with other 6P Agents?
Hishamoo said, "The 6P programme, which includes the registration, legalisation, amnesty, deportation, supervision and enforcement of foreign labour in the country, has registered 2,320,034 illegal and legal foreign workers using the biometric system as of Aug 31. Of these, a total of 1,303,126 are illegals."
This figure is not correct according to source from Putrajaya, the number of foreign workers illegal and legal is above 11 million.  But according to Tony Pua this is unlikely.  Then why is the data base in a tight seal updated by two senior officers only?